Young Patient Reunites with Staff, First Responders who Saved Her Life

Happy #MiracleMonday! This week we have an inspiring story of a patient re-unting with her heroes ❤️
Several staff members saw a living, walking miracle come back to Piedmont Columbus Regional to reunite with the care team and first responders who helped save her life. The miracle is 2-year-old Marriah, who suffered an accidental gunshot wound.
The first responders on-scene did tremendous work to help stop the bleed. Marriah was rushed to our Pediatric Emergency Department where staff were able to stabilize her before she was transferred to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta for a higher level of care.

With her siblings and mother by her side, applause erupted as the child walked inside the Conference Center to be with the people who cared so deeply for this child and family! Marriah’s care team included PEDS ED nurses, the trauma team, physicians and several residents as well as police and Fire/EMS personnel who were on the scene of the accident.
At the reunion, Dr. Daniel Gwan-Nulla explained in detail what happened from a medical perspective when Marriah was brought into the hospital:
“We should all get a little credit, but the most credit should go to God. […] God’s hand was all over this child and has something special planned for her life,” Dr. Gwan-Nulla said.

He also presented Marriah’s mother, with a generous donation so a college savings fund could be established for her daughter.
Marriah’s mother is a Walmart employee and was showered with gifts from her colleagues at Walmart Gateway Road in Columbus, GA.
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